Hello Spring and Hello You!

Well hello there!

Maybe you’ve noticed? I’ve been absent from this space for over a year. During that time I thought of dozens of things to say to you when I returned, but in the end ditched them all. I’ve decided to keep it simple and just fill you in on where I’ve been and where I’m going.

Where I’ve Been

WOMEN’S CREATIVE WISDOM TELECIRCLE. One of last year’s highlights was guiding a small group of women through six months of inner work and creative exploration. We shared stories, played with rocks and symbols, drew mandalas, painted, sewed prayer flags, wrote letters to ourselves, collaged and created small looms, all in service of our deep wisdom.

I don’t yet know when I’ll offer another circle, but most definitely the essence of this experience will show up in some format soon. Maybe a retreat in the fall? I’ll keep you posted.

TRANSITIONING OUT OF MY HOME OF 21 YEARS. The process of letting go and simplifying was both energizing and exhausting. Everything took longer than planned, and overwhelm set in at several points. I discovered that there’s something called decision fatigue and it’s very real, creating stress and anxiety for many of us. I plan to write more about that in the coming months.

The good news is that all the hard work paid off: In mid-September our house went on the market and sold in six days.

15 YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF MY BUSINESS. I’d like to tell you that I celebrated this milestone last June, but the truth is I forgot all about it because so many other things were going on! I’m thinking maybe I’ll have a full-on celebration this summer when I reach 16 years.

Where I’m Going

GRIEF SUPPORT SPECIALIST CERTIFICATE. During the past year I lost two loved ones, both unexpected and very sad. Yet, these experiences moved me to look deeply at how grief, loss and life transition intersect with my counseling and coaching work. As a result I’ve decided to more fully claim this part of what I do by enrolling in a new program at the University of Wisconsin, called the “first of its kind in the nation.” I’m excited to be part of the inaugural online cohort, starting next month.

NEW OFFICE IN SANTA ROSA. Although I’m still seeing clients in Sacramento on Mondays and Tuesdays, I’m living in Santa Rosa during the rest of the week and beginning to build my practice here too. It almost feels like starting over, even though I’ve been in business for 15 years. For now, I’m seeing clients in Santa Rosa on Wednesdays and will probably start a women’s group in the fall.

DISTANCE COUNSELING & COACHING. I adore working with clients face-to-face and always want that to be a part of my work. But in the last few years more clients have wanted to try therapy, counseling or coaching by phone (and sometimes Skype or FaceTime). It’s a great alternative for some people, and research supports its effectiveness.

NEW WEBSITE AND BLOG. This year it’s really happening: a new website and blog, all in one place. I won’t be writing here much longer. I’ve decided to keep all the posts up, though, because this space is of its time and it seems like the right thing to do. When my new site goes live, you’ll be the first to know!

Whew! That brings everything up to date, I think.

So, enough about me. What about you? I’d love to hear from you. Comments are open if you want to touch base or ask me a question or simply say “Hi.”

Wishing you a very happy spring filled with the energy of renewal and awakening.


Painting self-compassion: From the Women’s Creative Wisdom TeleCircle 2015

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