Just Listen


Just Listen.

to the wind blowing

to rain falling

to laughter

to stories yearning to be told

Just Listen.

to the tone of her voice

to the catch in her breath

to the words she’s saying

to all that she holds between those words

Just Listen.

to her crayons scraping paper

to her hands ripping images

to her fingers tracing spirals

to her deep quiet knowing

Just Listen.

* * * * *

I write this with deep gratitude to the women who’ve participated in the Women’s Creative Wisdom Tele-Circle Pilot.

I’ve discovered that when we carve out time to connect, to come together to tell our stories and create together in a circle of wise women, even on the phone, even when we can’t see each other, we still feel truly seen and heard. Maybe more than ever before.

And we do find our way back to our quiet knowing, just like in the local women’s circles.

I’ll soon be bringing this first phase of the tele-circle to a close, with more to come in the New Year. If you want to be the first to know when space opens up in the circle, make sure you’re subscribed to my newsletter right here.

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